Visit the mezcal palenques. The history of this country cannot be told without pulque, mezcal wines and aguardientes, these are the beverages that in the most subtle way have resisted the onslaught of oblivion in the different towns of Mexico.
Rosita de Borracho - Destilados de México® has a variety of experiences that will give you a first-hand account from each producer of the efforts they make every day to continue making this drink. At Rosita de Borracho - Destilados de México® you will be able to choose one sensorial experience in the city of Oaxaca of different distillates of Mexico, but you can also have a unique experience, personal and guided by people specialized in the world of the distillates of Mexico where you can schedule a visit within the state of Oaxaca or in the rest of the country according to your interests, we can go to Chihuahua to know and learn from sotol or lechuguillas, to Durango to contemplate the still wild landscapes of mezcal wine, not to forget Jalisco from being just a drink now to know about the raicilla and the mezcal that is made there. What about the charanda in Michoacán and mezcales with the different varieties of agave, let's go down to Guerrero where the cosmovision of different pueblos is still united with the mezcales they elaborate, let's walk to the south of Mexico where in Chiapas we will find pox or comiteco, get to know those ancient distillates, you can also visit San Luis Potosí, land of one of the most traditional and manual processes of making mezcal. Have you heard of Coahuila and its distillates, let's go to the mountains that await us with their contrasting vegetation. Let's travel to Nuevo Leon to learn about the fermentation process to produce wine mezcal and what to say about the state of Puebla that even with its industrial production has projects with a great identity there, sheltered behind the mountains and if you set foot in Oaxaca do not hesitate to know the different types of fermentation of distillation, of plants we are the center of origin of this plant called maguey, caminar Oaxaca, es darte la oportunidad de recorrer la identidad de esta bebida biocultural llamada mezcal, pero también adentrarnos en su sierra donde no elaboran mezcal pero si chingre, aguardiente de una planta que fue introducida a México pero que ha servido como alimento y como guía espiritual de nuestro caminar.
La experiencia de visita a los palenques mezcaleros es flexible y puede haber otras opciones de visita dentro del recorrido planteado. Si están interesado en visitar pueblos de producción de mezcal, whiskey o agua ardiente en el estado de Oaxaca, estás en el lugar correcto.
Se solicita el 40% del costo total por adelantado para reservar la fecha, el 40% de anticipo NO es reembolsable en caso de cancelación, el resto se cubrirá al finalizar la experiencia.
El tour inicia a las 8:30 de la mañana dependerá a que pueblo y la distancia que recorreremos en base a esa información podremos empezar más temprano o más tarde.
$1,800.00 8 hours
In Mexico the age of majority is 18 years old. Please confirm that you are of that age or the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages in your country.